quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Business Correspondence

Go to
and change these letters into English.

11 comentários:

  1. Manuel Martins Ribeiro
    Rua da Republica, n.º25
    4670 Vila Nova de Famalicão
    Telefone: 232 312 453

    Vila Nova de Famalicão, September 4, 2004

    Director of Human Resources
    da Construtora Portuense
    Rua da Saudade, 95 – 6. º Esq.
    4000 Porto

    Dear Sir
    In reply to your advertisement, with reference no. 12 published in the newspaper “Expresso”, on August 26, 2004, announcing a vacancy for a Technical Sales, I hereby present my candidacy for that post.
    I’m 25 years old and finished one year ago the professional training course in “Marketing and Sales”.
    I am currently a trainee in a construction company, which has allowed me to acquire some work experience. I am a responsible person, able to work in groups or alone and in an organized manner. In all activities performed by me I gave evidence of flexibility and initiative.
    I am available for an interview and I thank you for your help in the interest that my application may deserve it.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Yours faithfully,

    Manuel Martins Ribeiro

  2. Manuel Martins Ribeiro
    Rua da República, nº 25
    4670-000 Vila Nova de Famalicão
    Telefone 252312453

    Monday, 4th September 2010

    Director de Recursos Humanos
    da Construtora Portuense
    Rua da Saudade, 95 – 6º Esq.
    4000-000 Porto

    Dear Sir

    I am writing in reply to your advertisement on the newpaper “Expresso”, on 26th August 2004, I should like to apply for the position of Sales Tchnician.
    I am twenty-five years old.
    I took a corse in “Marketing and Sales”. At present I am working in a Constructon Campany, where I have acquired work experience.
    I am responsible, organized.
    I am available for a interview.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully

    Manuel Martins Ribeiro

  3. It is with regret we are all obliged to make it known of your excellency that we canceled the order which had done, since the delivery time was not respected, that caused heavy losses to our company.
    With no other subject for the moment,

    Manuel Dias

  4. Dear Sir
    Amílcar & C.ª
    Rua da Boa Hora, n.º 524
    3565 – 224 Albergaria


    RE: Cancellation of order

    Dear Sir

    It is with regret that we are all obliged to apprise to you to nullify the order I had made, since the deadline was not met, which caused heavy losses to our company.

    No other topic now


    Helena Dias

  5. To:
    Rua do Volta Atrás
    4300 – 000 Alcanena


    RE: Sending Check

    Dear Sirs
    We hereby inform you that we intend to pay off part of our debt through the check No. 397 051 s / BPA, which is attached.
    Please send the catalogue of colours for the wire Zypecril XTL, as soon as possible.
    Believing that you will carry out the necessary procedures to implement the request, we are recognized

    Yours sincerely

    The Management

    Susana Rute Fateixa

    Encloaure: Check

  6. Joaquina Fernandes
    58 My Street,
    GT05 CD

    11 Novembro 2010
    Cara Senhora Smith
    Estou a escrever-lhe para reclamar o carro de corridas telecomandado que eu comprei na semana passada.
    O carro telecomandado funcionou no primeiro dia, depois simplesmente deixou de funcionar. Tentei substituir as pilhas, e li o manual para ter a certeza que estava a seguir as instruções correctamente, mas não consegui pô-lo a funcionar.
    Ficaria muito grato, se entrasse em contacto comigo para me informar o porquê do carro não funcionar, e como posso enviar para reparar ou substituir.


    Helena Fernandes

  7. Letter Application

    Manuel Martins Ribeiro
    R. da República, nº 25
    4670 Vila Nova de Famalicão
    Telefone: 252 312453

    4 September 2004

    Exmº. Sr.
    Director de Recursos Humanos
    Da Construtora Portuense
    R. da Saudade, 95 – 6º Esq.
    4000 Porto

    Dear Sir
    In reply to your advertisement, with reference no. 12, published in "Express" on 26 August 2004, announcing a vacancy for a Sales Technical, I hereby present my candidacy for that post.
    I am 25 years old and finished a year ago the professional training course of “marketing and sales".
    Currently I am working at a building company, which has allowed me to acquire practical experience enjoyable. I am a responsible person, able to work in groups or alone and in an organized manner. In activities where I have occupied my time I show flexibility and initiative.
    I am available for an interview and I thanks the interest that my candidacy may deserve it.
    Hoping to see you soon, accept my respectful greetings.

    Vila Nova de Famalicão, 4 September 2004.

    Manuela Martins Ribeiro

  8. Lucia Jacinta
    58 My Street,
    GT05 CD

    24 Novembro 2010
    Cara Senhora Smith
    Estou a escrever-lhe para reclamar o carro de corridas telecomandado que eu comprei na semana passada.
    O carro telecomandado trabalhou nos dois primeiros dias, depois deixou de funcionar. Tentei mudar as pilhas, e li o manual para ter a certeza que estava a seguir as instruções correctamente, mas não consegui pô-lo a funcionar.
    Ficaria muito grato, se entrasse em contacto comigo para me informar do carro não funcionar, e como posso enviar para reparar ou trocar


    Lúcia Pereira

  9. Exmo. Senhor:
    João Cruz Pinho
    Rua da Prata, 355
    3030-157 COIMBRA

    24, September 2010

    SUBJECT: Sending Cheque

    We hereby inform the V. Exa. (S) you intend to pay off part of our debt through the check No. 397 051 s / BPA, which is attached.

    Please send the catalog of colors for the wire Zypecril XTL, as soon as possible.

    Believing V. Exa. (S) will carry out the necessary procedures to implement the request, we are recognized.

    V. Exa. (S)
    Yours sincerely

    The Management
    Jorge Horta

    Enclosure: Check
    SF / SF

  10. Manuel Martins Ribeiro
    R. da República,nº 25
    4670 Vila Nova de Famalicão
    Telefone 252312453

    29th August 2004

    Director de Recursos Humanos da Construtora Portuense
    R. da Saudade,95 -6º Esq.
    4000 PORTO

    Dear Sir
    In reply to your adversetiment I saw on the newpaper “Expresso” on 26th August 2004, I shoud like to apply for the position you are advertising as sales technician.
    I am twenty-five years old and I finished the course of “Marketing e Vendas”.
    At present, I am working in a constructon company, where I have been acquaring some experience. I should like to attend an interview.
    As a person, I am responsible and punctual, I get on very well with people and I like making new friends.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours sincerely.

  11. Exmo. Senhor:
    João Cruz Pinho
    Rua da Prata, 355
    3030-157 COIMBRA

    Data 24th November 2010

    Dear Mr. João

    It is with regret that we are all obliged to apprise Your Excellency to nullify the order I had made, since the deadline was not met, which caused heavy losses to our company.
    No other issue.

    Yuors sincerely

